Friday, 25 April 2014

Binge-Watching? What is it?

Sundus Al Ghafri

Ever had that feeling where you feel left out of the conversation while the rest of your friends talk amongst them selves about the latest popular show on TV. what do you do next? Oh yes, go on a marathon! No not that 26 mile marathon you run for a good and healthy cause. Its the other marathon where you forget your friends and family, forget your work and basically forget you ever had a life.

Oh the cost of keeping ourselves current. I cant remember when was the last time I ever had a good night sleep.

The journey of binge-watching starts with a simple "Did you watch the latest episode of ..?" And while we are consumed by the plot lines of the stories, invest our thoughts and dreams in the characters love relationships we often forget the people closest to us.

As I was reading more about what binge-viewing is I came across  a funny but accurate description of the level of emotional, mental and physical stages we go through (well, I go through) when we sit down to watch a show. "22 Struggles Of Binge-Watching A Show" demonstrates step-by-step what happens when we are immersed in a show. 

Media services like Netflix have changed the way we perceive and look at shows. A few years ago people had to wait every week to watch an hour long show, where as now, we can watch a 5 year long show in just 5 days. 

Binge-watching removes the obstacle of cliffhangers. and for some that might be a good aspect and yet for others it might not. Those cliffhangers are put in place to attract and grab the viewers attention. Its there to keep the hook on.

What we don't realise is that when we might think we want to know verse the fact of actually watching it right away are two completely different things. We sometimes regret after the fact and wished we hadn't clicked on the next episode. The pauses between each episode allows us to absorb and sink in all the information and details of each episode and value the way the story is told and portrayed.

To me, for as long as I can remember binge-watching has always been apart of my viewing process. Since most shows don't air at the same time in the Middle East as they do in the US, my friends and I have grown accustom to watching everything online all in one go. I just don't have the patience to sit and wait for each episode, every week to find out what happens next on so and so. Thats how I've always watched it and I think thats how I'll always will.

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